A New Crime-based TV Show? With ME hosting?! You gotta be kidding…!


Then there was the time when a Hollywood producer contacted me…

So, Voyagers, I have been holding this back for a while but I figure it’s time to let y’all in on at least a bit of the behind the scenes stuff.

I have partnered with an Emmy-winning Hollywood producer to develop a TV show!!!!!!!!!

The creative process is slow, but if all goes as planned, we will be taping our first footage (A pilot, you ask? No. They call it a sizzle reel 🤷‍♀️) very soon, in my hometown of Dallas!

You might have a few basic questions, like, you know, what’s the show about? Well, at this point I can tell you a few things: it is crime related (yay!), it will change lives (bigger YAY), and our logline includes the words, “The _ of Crime Will Never _ _ _.” 😁

tv host me.

Weird, huh?

How the hell did this happen? Well…I was contacted by someone who is associated with a very successful television producer, Kerri Zane, which led to a pitch meeting with Kerri via Zoom, and when I got to my second idea, Kerri basically stopped me there, and said, “I love it” a few times. And that was how this whole thing began.

It’s been going on a few months now, with creative meetings and talks and ideas and titles for the show being thrown around. I’m learning all kinds of things about Hollywood I never learned when I lived there, like, what’s a “sizzle reel” and why is it a “logline” and not a “tagline”…

I will tell you more as we move along. In the meantime, I am back to recording my podcast with Merie, “Now Fear This!” with new episodes dropping on Fridays, I am still keeping this blog rolling, AND will be heading to the UK to do an actual COVID-delayed Cambridge graduation ceremony soon as well. So, yeah. Lots of stuff is happening.

Check back soon for more, or sign up to get email updates from yours truly about this truly life-changing event!